1·If work to achieve acceptable standard, need long time and what type of work experience.
2·Our objective is to maintain a pleasant, attractive, internationally acceptable standard of hygiene.
3·Think of it. Without failure wen can learn nothing, and yet we have learned to treasure success as the only acceptable standard.
4·There's usually a lack of a single, portable, and acceptable standard for business process execution and business process model notation.
5·All are keen on the "living wage", the hourly rate needed to pay for the items people reckon they need for an acceptable standard of living.
6·PLAN CHINA shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement on 10 days written notice if, in the opinion of Plan China, the Services are not being performed to an acceptable standard.
7·Part of our delight with VNC-through-SSL is that customers can use standard software pieces on old and rather plain hardware to yield thoroughly acceptable responsiveness and snap.
8·It is difficult to find a acceptable content for this standard.
9·What is the length and type of work experience necessary to accomplish standard acceptable performance on this job?
10·The minimum acceptable level of standard of living in a given country or region.